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Historie se opakuje

Před pár dny, když Israel oznámil, že zahajuje vojenskou operaci proti teroristum z Hamasu v Gaze, a poté co světoví politici vyjádřili podporu Israeli bránit své území, napsal jsem v jedné diskusi, že za pár dní bude vše jinak. Bohužel, jako mnohokrát předtím, jsem se v tomto směru vůbec nemýlil.

Israeli znovu došla trpělivost. Není divu, když na jeho území každodenně dopadaly z pásma Gazy desítky raket. Když děti, namísto hraní venku, musely být ve střehu, jestli náhodou nad jejích hlavami neletí pozdrav od nemyslících primitivů se zakuklenými palicemi.

 Bylo tedy oznámeno, že všeho moc škodí a IDF dostala rozkazy udělat pořádek. Správné rozhodnutí, jehož oprávnění zpočátku uznali i vedoucí hlavy světové politické scény. Jenže uběhlo několik dní a najednou je vše jinak. Abbas mumlá něco o příměří a pomalu se k němu přidávají i ostatní. Egypt samozřejmě odsoudil israelskou sebeobranu, ostatní arabské země hovoří o genocídě a k příměří vyzval Obama a další. Příměří? Vrátit se k jednacímu stolu? Tak to ani omylem. Nic takového.

Ta historie se opakuje jako přes kopírák. Hamas a ostatní zlořádí si vyskakujou a když se jím šlápne za krk, začnou vykříkovat něco o míru a o jednání. A svět na to slyší a snaží se donutit Israel, aby se vzdal svého práva na sebeobranu. Jenže tentokrát je situace jiná a vláda v zemi už nemůže donekonečna ustupovat. Je čas udělat jasný a rozhodný krok. Je čas definitivně zničit Hamas, je čas zlikvidovat ty, kteří, dle svých vlastních slov " milují smrt stejně silně, jako Israelci milují život ". Tak když jí tak milují, mají ji mít.

Už není místo ani čas na jednání. Ostatně není ani s kým jednat. Anebo si dokážete představit, že do domu vám vtrhne komando nájemných vrahů, vy jste ale dostatečně ozbrojení a máte je v obklíčení, ale budete poslouchat sousedy že s vrahy máte vyjednávat? Ne, s vrahy se nevyjednává a ani Israel, jak věřím, se tentokráte nenechá zviklat.

Jaké jsou tedy možnosti?

Po leteckých útocích by samozřejmě měl přijít ten pozemní. Bylo by to efektivní. Vojska IDF by měla vstoupit do Gazy a pokusit se zpacifikovat ty, které se nepodařilo zlikvidovat během leteckých náletů. Měla by postupně zajistit obnovení normálního života v oblasti a zajistit obyvatelstvu šanci na klidný a mírový život. Jak všichni dobře víme, Israel zásobuje Gazu elektřinou a dodávkami potravin a léků. Není důvod, aby tato podpora ustala. Je ale nutné zajistit, aby se dostala k těm, kterým je určena. Pozemní akce IDF přinese pochopitelně protesty arabských zemí a přidají se i arabské satelity, jako například EU. Proto je možná i jiná varianta.

Pokud by OSN byla ochotna a schopna zajistit bezpečnost Israele, mohla by pořádek v oblasti zajistit právě vojska OSN. Vojska ze zemí, které arabský svět nepovažuje za nepřátelské, i když nebude snadné takové demokratické země nalézt.

Jedna věc je ale jistá. Poslední události nemohou skončit jako v roce 2012 či předtím, kdy se Israel nechal ukolébat. Je načase ukázat silnou pěst a tou pěstí dát pořádné údery.

Jak všichni víte, obvykle do svého blogu vkládám video. Dnes udělám vyjímku. Nabízím vám k přečtení dopis mé kamarádky Hanity, který je adresován všem. Nepřekládám jej, protože jeho slova tak, jak jsou napsaná jsou tak silná, že překlad by jím jen uškodil. Věřím že si poradíte a dokážete jej přečíst. Autorem tohoto dopisu je Pola Vainer, která v něm vystihuje své nejhlubší pocity, obavy a tužby pro to, aby Israel byl klidnou a spokojoenou zemí, kde budou společně žít všichni lidé dobré vůle.


Dear international friends,

For a long time I was avoiding of writing my comment on the recent events in Israel, not because I have nothing to say, I actually have a lot.. But my lack of comment was just because of the fact that in this current situation, I don’t see any reasonable reason to defend here the militaristic action my government is finely taking in order to bring peace in the region. And yes, in the whole region not just in Israel. Under the word region I include all the ethnical groups which are being effected by the stupid and blind extremism of the Hamas which as we all know, working over hours in order to destabilise the daily life in Israel, Gaza strip, east Jerusalem and the west bank.

So for the ones who are interested, here are some dry (emotionless) facts:

In 2005 Israel withdraw from the Gaza strip, Israel transferred 8,500 Jews from the strip with no pre conditions or demands from the Palestinians, the only request was that the rocket falls will stop. Something that (in that time) freshly elected PLO leader Abbas confirmed and promised.

Since 2005 (not including the last escalation) there were 11,517 rockets shot from the Gaza strip on Israel. Its 3.50594 rockets per a day.
Just as a side question: what would your government would do with such statistic? What would you expect your government to do?

And please my friends don’t forget that rockets don’t feel the difference between Jewish blood and Arab blood, rockets are rockets, they ARE dangerous and they DO cause damage.

The reasons you don’t hear about life losses on the Israeli side are:

A. Because Israel is doing everything which is possible in order to protect its citizens (Jewish, Christian and Muslim – with no difference).

* In March 2011 Israel first placed her freshly developed defensive system ‘The Iron Dome’.
– The Iron Dome Is basically a system which was designed to intercept and destroy short-range rockets and artillery shells fired from distances of 4 to 70 kilometres away. A system that until today saved multiple life, again with no ethnical difference.

Just a bit about the costs: The development of the first two Iron Dome systems was 426 million dollars. Today there are already 7 systems across Israel. A cost of a single iron dome rocket is between 35,000$ to 55,000$ (per a single rocket!!). In fact a death of a man aged 25 years old, from a rocket fall will cost the country a loss of 1.2 million dollars.

Isn't it funny that a country which is being represented worldwide as ‘the great aggressor’ pays most of her military budget for defensive purposes?

* Yeah so, another reason why we don’t have high life losses lays in the fact that we do love life and we do want to live. While the Hamas is demanding its people not to evacuate them self to a safety space during the Israeli bombing but simply to stay at home or even to go on roofs (the same roofs they are firing the rockets from), the Israeli government is doing everything which is possible in order to instruct its citizens how to act in a time of bombing, in a time of a kidnap threat and in time of terror attack threats, in buses, public places, remote places etc.
And yes it’s simple as this, if the Hamas would use the shelters in Gaza to protect their people, there would be less losses on their side. But their calculation is different they prefer to use their shelters for hiding their rockets and ammunition instead of protecting their innocent population but this is something Israel cannot influence.

B. The second major reason why you don’t hear about our loss on the news is simply because the international news are not interested in reporting it – as its not interesting enough.. As I said, this is the part of the unemotional facts, and as a person who is living abroad for the last three years, I can confirm – YES IT IS A FACT. The international news will start to report only after Israel launched a defensive operation, the news are not reporting you about our daily injuries and deaths caused as a result of national hate, if they report once in a while about the rocket falls - they don’t report that besides the rockets, it’s currently not safe to drive on streets and roads, to take the bus, the train as a result of internal pre-intifada stage which is going on now since a while. So yeah I think that this might be a good reason why you don’t tend to hear about our part of the coin that much.. I have no idea why it is the way it is.. But this is not my place to answer, I can just confirm that it is like that.

And now, after being totally cool and non-emotional a bit about myself..

I find myself sitting here in Berlin, eating my fingernails, shaking for my family and friends in Ashkelon, Ashdod, Beersheba,Yavne, Holon, Kiryat gat, TelAviv, Rishonlezion, Haifa, Jerusalem, Ramat gan, Zichron Yaakov, Herzelia, Mitsperamon, Kafar saba and many other cities which are affected by this conflict. Eating my heart for every person who was called to the front, knowing that even if I will receive a call from the army I cannot go. I sit here and wish to be back in Israel, to be again an integrated part of this conflict, to allow myself to sink into the endless sarcastic and cynical black humour which is the best way of dealing with this kind of realty, but I cant.. I’m here in Berlin, and from here, as I get to see a larger picture, my humour stops.

There is nothing humoristic in this ridiculously fucked up conflict. And by conflict I don’t mean the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, I mean the Middle Eastern conflict, which is way larger and complicated then you tend to think.

The Israeli/Palestinian conflict started way earlier than the Palestinian nation got its name and way before Israel started her existence as a state. The same old conflict which the mainstream news channels try to avoid of showing.

Up until a month ago I would openly support the two state solution - Live and let others live.

But today with the approach of ISIS (DAISH) the extremist Muslim stream to Jorden, My opinion drastically changed. Giving the Palestinians their own state would put an end to Israels existence and will cause a mass murder not just among the Jewish population but the Christian and probably the Arab population as well.

With all the respect, I don’t trust the PLO to provide Israel with safety once the ‘black plague’ ISIS will come, as I know and you know, Palestine will probably fall way faster than the PLO could react.

So yes, I’m proud to be a citizen of the only democratic state in the Middle East and I know that there is a large percentage of the Israeli Arab population which will say the same.

bottom line, I would not ask my government ‘why’ they are doing this.. I will definitely not question if it’s right or wrong. The only question I would ask would be why we allowed the Hamas to get so strong in the first place, why did we allow them to effect daily life of 3.5 million people in Israel and 1,8 million Palestinians in the Gaza strip - since 2006 when they were ‘democratically’ elected?

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not calling for a mass murder of innocent population in Gaza, not at all! I feel sorry for them, I feel sorry for their horrible destiny to serve as a human shield of their leaders, I feel sorry for every person who was innocent and died. But this is a war, a very crucial war for the stability of the region and in order to reach this stability we need to break the Hamas leadership.
Just after the Hamas will fall, there will be a real chance of negotiation.

We provide them (in the same time they bomb us) with free electricity, medical and food supplies. We approved a multi-million project for an airport/port island to allow open for them a trade channel, we offered them and to Abbas in the west bank multiple educational programs (which were all refused). But that is again something which is not being reported on your news.

And that is okey, as I was saying, the purpose of this status was to get your approval for what’s going on, I don’t feel the need to defend the current operation. I simply ask you my friends, not to shape your opinion based on your news. Ask, research, be interested talk to people and if you are too lazy to do so.. Please save yourself the hassle and don’t have an opinion at all.

I was thinking for a long time which video to upload, something that could give you a good indication of what’s going on in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. The video I found the best, is actually a neutral video, made by an Azerbaijani person which I very much respect.

I recommend you to go to his youtube channel for more interesting information.

As a summery, I would like to thank you my friends for taking your time to read this long and loaded with emotions status. I hope I somehow managed to give you a different perspective on the situation. To all my beloved in Israel I send you my warm warm love. Please keep yourself safe no matter where you are. I love you and I’m with you in every single moment. You unlike me, are the reason Israel is still standing and I thank you for allowing me to have a home to comeback to.

Yours sincerely,
Pola Vainer, Israeli from Berlin via Hanita

Autor: Václav Král | pátek 11.7.2014 11:00 | karma článku: 26,92 | přečteno: 1300x
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